Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pure Extra-Virgin, Organic Coconut Oil

If there is one thing I get asked A LOT, its about my skin. My face skin to be exact. I do pride myself on my clear skin and even complexion. Lol So I thought I'd share a little secret of mine and tell you all about Coconut Oil.

Now I know its weird because on the bottle it says "Good for cooking", But I guarantee you that it is absolutely safe for your precious skin, actually its amazing.

I stumbled upon this product by mistake because I was actually looking for a weight-loss product but I'm glad I did stumble upon coconut oil because boy I'm hooked.

Personally I got my bottle off of Amazon.com. I use "Pure Extra-Virgin, Organic Coconut Oil" and this is the most recommended. Below is a picture of the actual brand and bottle that I purchased but I'm sure any other brand will do. Oh and it is very inexpensive for the most part. Good stuff!

So lets get to the point right? Right! Here are a few of the benefits I've gained personally and below I will post some health benefits that are actually proven by research and all that good stuff.

My main use of coconut oil is on my skin: After I shower I apply some on my face. When I shower at night I sleep on it then wash my face in the morning (of course) with cold water and then apply my make-up or whatever I'm doing to my face that morning. lol When I shower in the morning I apply it right before my make-up and let it absorb a bit and then dry it off a bit if it is still too oily. You can wash it off if you feel uncomfortable just dabbing your face with a dry towel to soak off the oily residue. I did notice a difference in my complexion and how it has become more even. Let me say this.... I don't break out very often, so when I do break out its like one pimple or two the most and I go insane because I'm not used to breaking out. But one more observation I've made on coconut oil is that I haven't had a break out since using it. This is absolutely great for me! I also read it has great anti-aging benefits and who wants wrinkles right? Not me! So I can definitely say this is like a big plus, especially for women. (Not that I-ll be getting wrinkles anytime soon, but you know...just in case ;])

***Also note that Coconut oil is a solid, but once it comes in contact with your skin it becomes an oil and is very easy to apply and absorbed very quickly by the skin. Very pleasant smell (at least to me it is) sort of like a tropical island coconutty smell. lol

On my hair: I've used this once on my hair because like I said I am a big fan of Moroccan argan oil for my hair so I do prefer that but I did want to give coconut oil a test run on my hair, so I did. My observation was basically softer, silkier hair. What I did was waited for the day I was going to wash my hair, drenched my hair in it a few hours before washing my hair, then I just did random things around my house till I felt awesome enough to go wash my hair. lol

Stretch Marks: Yesssssss I have them and like a million other people do as well. Whether they are from growing, or gaining weight quickly then loosing it and vice versa, or pregnancy. I will tell you right now they are unsightly but there is absolutely nothing we can do about them once we have them....Unless of course you have thousands to spare on surgery. Yeah but that's a whole 'nother post. Coconut oil has made a big difference in the stretch marks I do have. I have fair skin. I will say that from applying it (and note I am not religious about applying coconut oil to stretch marks) but I will say that the few times I have applied coconut oil, its made them less visible and closed up a bit.

Here is a list of some "research proven" health benefits of Coconut Oil:

  • Reduces risk of having heart disease
  • Stimulates metabolism
  • Promotes normal thyroid function
  • Helps loose and maintain ideal body weight
  • Kills viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens
  • Functions as an antioxidant
  • Lessens chronic inflammation
  • Relieves symptoms of gallbladder disease
  • Protects against cancer
  • Prevents premature aging and degenerative disease
  • Expels tapeworms, lice and other parasites
  • Ward off skin infections
  • Controls dandruff
  • Reduces epileptic seizures
  • Accelerates healing of wounds, cuts, burns, etc.
  • Prevents diabetes and relieves health risks associated with it
  • Prevents periodontal disease and tooth decay

  • Until my next one dolls.....

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